PGLC 2023: a must-attend event

PGLC 2023: a must-attend event

From June 22 to 23, 2023, UMF, in partnership with TankBank Singapore, brought together the key players in the logistics of petrochemical industry for the third edition of the Global Petrochemical Logistics Convention (PGLC) in Marseille. The event featured privileged encounters, captivating panel discussions and a start-up presentation competition, all in an atmosphere conducive to networking. Discover the highlights of this engaging and dynamic edition.

Panel discussions : A world tour of perspectives
PGLC offered a unique opportunity for attendees to stay at the forefront of the industry through exciting panel discussions. Topics included energy transition, decarbonization strategies and clean energy transitions. Speakers such as Jakob Sidenius, President of UMF, or Xavier Leclerq from CMA CGM, shared their visions and highlighted the diversity of approaches adopted according to the environmental constraints, government regulations and space capacities of each region.

Discovering innovative technologies: Focus on hydrogen
A visit to the Arbois Méditerranée environmental technology park, and in particular to Hysilab, the winning start-up in the 2019 start-up presentation competition, was a real window on the potential of hydrogen as a clean energy source.

Quality networking: professional and informal encounters
PGLC was distinguished by its carefully organized networking opportunities. Participants were able to exchange ideas over convivial lunches and meet up for cocktails on the rooftop of the Museum Regards de Provence. These privileged moments established solid professional relationships and enriched the international network of the 80 participants present.

Pitch contest
Special congratulations to our pitch contest winner, Jean-Benoît Steyer, who captivated the audience with his powerful presentation and the innovative ideas of Gecko Robotics, Inc.. We wish him much success in his future achievements.

PGLC 2023 once again confirmed its status as a must-attend event for the logistics of petrochemicals industry. Participants were able to share their knowledge, keep abreast of advances in the sector and develop their network through quality meetings. All these ingredients make PGLC a major event not to be missed!