The UMF is a major player in the economic activity of the provencal coastline and hinterland. The UMF is involved in every development project and plies its expertise on the files concerning maritime and multimodal exchanges. Its agency and willingness to contribute reflect its economic weight.
The UMF, driver of economic development:
…. By innovating
Resolutely turned to the future, the UMF explores ways of progress and encourages innovation. It has been the initiator and/or stakeholder of multiple and important achievements in the port community:
1. Opening of the port of Marseille to big ocean liners
The shortening of the dike at the north entrance of the basin: a demand supported by the UMF and heard by the port authority.
- navigation and manoeuvres are easier for large ships
- the “cruise” activity is revived in the port as well as in the city
2. Development of the CCS Ci5, in partnership with MGI
… To develop territories
The UMF takes action for territorial openness and economic growth
- Broaden the hinterland
On the strategic side, the development of the hinterland and European corridors, as well as the promotion of multimodality, provide long-term guidance to the UMF.
- Resource centre for the supply chain
On the operational side, the UMF and its members work every day to enhance the community’s productivity, so it provides the best services to its customers.
- Partner to the Port, administrations and local authorities
The UMF works in constant cooperation with the Grand Port Maritime of Marseille, control agencies, representatives of the State, local authorities and employer organisations.
- Employers’ mandates
The UMF is a founding member of the UPE 13. More than 40 representatives designated in 25 governing bodies.
… In cohesion and unity: one voice for the professionals of the maritime sector
The strength of the UMF lies in its ability to achieve consensus on the important issues that the port community has to face:
- promotion: UMF, founding member of Via Marseille Fos, promoting body for the port community, an effective synergy between GPMM, CCI, Ville de Marseille, Métropole Aix Marseille Provence, MGI, Provence Promotion and UMF
- communal information systems: UMF main shareholder of MGI
- port strategy: involvement in the studies of GPMM as an expert, contribution to the strategic project…
- lobbying: involvement in public debates, construction of a professional lobbying (European corridors RTE-T, development of the GNI…)
The UMF, a team of 25 administrators and 6 full members:
- Dedicated to the relations between port professionals
. Enhancing of the port procedures through an effective coordination of the operators
. Source of collective proposals on projects and infrastructures
- Working on the fluidity of the port passage
. Facilitating administrative control: with the State services (Customs, veterinary and phytosanitaryservices, Marine Affairs, coast guard, etc.)
. Reducing waiting time for road hauliers at the gates of terminals
- In constant dialogue with the authorities
- Providing local services
. Continuous informations, watch, networking…
. Job Exchange